Wednesday, August 1, 2012

in Grande Prairie this week. Flew in on Monday will fly back to FMM on Friday. Doing some orientation and trying to find an apartment in between meetings. Going to view one today and see if I am worthy enough to tour another one. LOL. Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...


I hope you find an apartment that you will be really happy to live in and not just an apartment that you take because you are desperate to find somewhere to live.


Jack said...


I am keeping my fingers crossed that you find the perfect place, and I am sure you will!! I know it's hectic for you right now, but you are a very determined person, and in a few weeks it will all be behind you!


Anonymous said...

Hey there Jennifer,

Sounds like you are very busy. I hope you have time to make a good choice in apartments. New home for you and the kitties! We will be watching for pics of the new place, seems to me you have lived in a lot of places!! Great way to purge unwanted items. Hope the new job is everything and more than what you hope for. I'm sure the folks in FM will miss you, you sounded happy there so I assume it was a great offer in GP.

Looking forward to hearing more about the job and apartment.

Take care and remember you need to breath - you always seem so busy, it was great you had the camping trip to clear your head.

Lori B.