Sunday, November 18, 2012

Another weekend is coming to an end. Sigh. It was a good one and I'm not ready to let it go. LOL

Didn't do a whole lot but I did get some real good cleaning done in the bathroom and kitchen. And clean I did. It was one of those clean each line of grout and hands and knees on the floor scrubbing kind of cleaning sprees. I have no idea why but as one who hates to clean I should take advantage of these moods when they come along.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend. I am surprised that it is almost over. Last Sunday I came down with a nasty cold and it has been keeping me moving in slow motion since. I am feeling much better than I was early in the week but I am still a walking mucus producing machine which makes me cough on an all too regular basis. Cough isn't even the right word hacking, pieces of lung being hurled up...yeah, it isn't pretty.

Saturday though I decided to embrace the day and headed down Highway 40 to Grand Cache. Perhaps I should have researched it before hand but there didn't seem like a lot to see and do. It's ok--the sky was blue, the music on the radio great and I was in good spirits (aside from the cold). It is just over 2 hours each way. I took a few pics but  not many. It was a balmy -16 and I didn't want to be in/out of the heat/cold.

And a couple shots from my trip in Northern Alberta.

Here's to feeling healthy--for all of you, your friends and loved ones and me.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

And I'm back. The short trip to Edmonton was delightful. Caught up with a friend and did some frame shopping at Ikea. I always think I've finished framing my stuff and then I find more. I did it again this time. I had all the unframed art in a pile and measured everything then when I came home and opened a drawer I found more! Ah. I think I have a problem. LOL I will never have enough wall space to hang it all no matter what size house I end up with. Guess I should consider some sort of rotation process for it.

The shelves are up and the cats decided not to knock anything down from it. Pictures later today. My boss and my bosses boss are coming up to visit next week and I'm having them over for wine noe night to show off the apartment and pet the cats. The bosses boss is a big animal lover and I'm sure my furry pals will be happy to have the company.

I was travelling from Monday till Friday this past week and the two furry roommates were pretty happy to see me and were never far from my side. And even today are still close at hand. Furry purries on a Saturday morning. Does life get any better?

My new chair is in and will be delivered on Monday--hopefully. I am hoping I don't regret the colour decision of purple when I see it. It might be a lot of purple.