Sunday, October 30, 2011

Remember a couple of months ago when I bought leashes and harnesses for the cats in an effort to keep them on 'our' deck and not wandering over to the neighbours house for a coffee. Here's the pictures from that moment...just before the escape.

And this is from this morning...just before sunrise.

I have the ability to post photos once again...but the charger for my camera is not working properly. Not sure what is going on with it but will hopefully get that figured out soon.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Isn't it funny how getting off work early can blow your entire schedule. I was happy to walk out the door early. It was a long day in many ways and I knew my brain had shut I left 15 minutes early. Which meant I got home by 15 after 5 with a stop at the grocery store on the when I turned on the tv was surprised by the choices and selection. I finished supper before 6pm where I haven't been home from wrok before 6pm in a long now at 6:45pm I'm tired and the night seems very long.

T and I have had 4 sessions with the personal trainer. It's going quite well. We will have a total of 10 before I leave on holiday.!!

I'm staring down the door to Friday and am very much looking forward to it. I have this Friday afternoon off...same as last Friday. With any luck I won't have a ton of work on my mind. I got a ton of stuff done today and felt great when I skipped out the door at 5pm. I waited around for a co-worker and by 5:30pm we were out the door to a wine tasting. YEAH. It was nice and given the opportunity I'd go again except that this was the last one for this year. Oh well.

Weekend finally vaccuum the living room carpet. I have been avoiding this for a while. It's only the size of a large rug but just hasn't happened the past couple of weekends.llllaaaazzzzyyyyyy

Not much new here in FMMA. No snow yet which surprises some folks. We had snow on the ground in a couple parts of town last weekend but it certainly didn't last beyond the beginning of the day. No expectation of snow this weekend but one never knows at this time of year.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tuesday was my first trip to my new personal trainer. Yep...I'm going to a trainer. She was great. My arms are a bit of jello today. Not enough to keep my from doing anything, but enough that I know I participated. I'm going with a gal from work so we share the session. We both think that having the other attending will be beneficial. I'm more likely to not cop out if someone else is going. We actually booked our 10 sessions last night and that will keep us going until the end of November.

The cost is a bit more than my bank account wants to take at the moment but will be a good investment in me. Yeah me.

Next session is tomorrow night and I'm not looking forward to it but I do know that when I get there I will enjoy it. And I'm only not looking forward to it because I'm tired tonight. It was an early start today and it is an early start tomorrow.

The two monsters are driving me nuts tonight and last night. Not enough kitty attention going on. Hudson walks around meowing all night. All she wants is to go out and when she gets out she just wants to get in again. Sigh. Bring on the snow so I don't need to listen to that anymore. Last night Tundra found a small ball of yarn to play with. She has yarn from the bedroom into the kitchen then into the living room and back again. Her favorite spot front of the toilet on the mat. Which is fine during the day/evening but once I go to bed it isn't so great. I never bother with lights at night and I step on her on a regular basis. You'd think she'd learn...nope. I don't understand the thrill of the bathroom but what do I know, I sleep in a bed.

Monday, October 17, 2011

-6. Yep, -6 this morning. It certainly isn't a record but it is the first time since my arrival in FMMA that we have hit this temp. It is a crisp morning and the sun is shining bright and high in the sky. My two furry idiots have yet to understand the joy of sleeping in a sun beam and seem to spend nap time in dark closets or under furniture.

On tap for today is some cooking and baking. I have hopes of making some mini-meatloafs and salmon cakes to freeze and eat at a later date. The freezer is empty and I get lazy in the mornings and can't seem to throw together a lunch. Funny how I am up for 90 minutes before I walk out the door but can't seem to make lunch for myself. Thank goodness for plastic containers and freezers.

How's your Monday? Mine is almost over and that is ok with me. No big issues but it just seemed like a long know?

There is a commercial on tv for optometrists and it freaks me out. The lady has eyes painted onto her eye lids and they look horrid. It totally grosses me out. are welcome for that weird share.

Made the final payment for my trip to to buy the plane ticket. UGH. The price keeps going up and my visa has yet to come it won't be a purchase until next month. And in 46 days I will be on that plane heading to Argentina.

And in 68 days it will be Christmas....think about it.

And in 53 days it is my birthday!!! and this year, I celebrate in Argentina....whoooo hoooo

Monday, October 10, 2011

It's Monday...and I'm not at work. :) Don't you just love holiday Mondays? Of course for you retired folks it may not see special in the same way it to to us M-Fer's but I'm sure you know what I mean.

I've been told by a long time FMMA resident (7 years and counting---which in FMMA terms is a long time resident) that in the fall it goes like this: green. yellow. gone. Well folks, that is correct. The leaves have been a gorgeous yellow colour the past few weeks. A very bright vibrant yellow gold that birch trees turn. Wonderful colour to look at in this little valley where I live. Today I notice that the leaves are gone. Not all of them, but when I look at the hills of the valley I notice that there are not grey patches where the leaves once clung. Large patches of soft grey among the yellow which sounds pretty but instead makes the hills look stark and bare. Fall has indeed begun to pass. The evenings are cool and a quick check of the weather shows that we reached negative temperatures over night.

The concrete on the patio during the day when the sun is out warms up to be bare foot friendly but the rest of the day it is cold and requires shoes. The cats are still very much enjoying their outdoor adventures but at night when the temperature drops they are more reluctant to take the initial steps out the door and I seem to be the only one hanging out out to view the Northern lights.

Goals for the day--clean apartment. This reminds me that this was my goal for Saturday but you know, stuff happens. I did manage to get the kitchen clean on Saturday and did some baking. I made apple cobbler muffins and a brownie of sorts. The only real problem with baking is that the kitchen gets dirty--again and must be cleaned--again.

With the help of T, I managed to get my pictures up in the office and I'm pretty happy with how it looks--pictures at some point in the future. Oh, and I got all the laundry cleaned, now to fold and put away. Thank goodness I just have me to look after cause I think if there were more of me I'd never get this place tidy.

Friday, October 7, 2011

I was awoken early Wednesday morning to that very unsettling feeling that overcomes one before they vomit. UGH. Sick. Too sick for work. Too sick to eat, drink, think and watch stupid tv. I wasn't feeling much better on Thursday morning and stayed home for a second day in a row. Friday of the long weekend I headed to the office for a few hours and while I had a few people say to me "You look terrible, should you be at work?" I stayed until early afternoon before heading home. Now I'm camped out on the couch with my kitties watching Coronation Street and hoping that the last bit of naseau goes away before tomorrow morning.

I know, I shouldn't complain. With so many people going through terrible things in the world a few days of flu(?) shouldn't make me grumble.

Other than Thanksgiving dinner at a co-workers on Sunday my only plans for the weekend are to get better and clean the apartment, my clothes, the floors and apparently the top of the ac's as I noticed that there is a pile of cat fur on top of it. ick.I have never been a great house keeper.

What are your plans for the weekend?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hello Everyone.

It's going to be a long week. You know how you can just tell its going to be a long week when the first two days make you feel like you've been at work for a full week already.

On the very plus side of things I have an invite to Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. Yeah, I'm pretty happy about that. She's new to FMMA and new to the company. Her BF is from PEI! I don't think we know each other or have common friends but you never know. I said I'd bring now I need to figure out what to bring.

The weather has defintely taken the turn for cool fall temperatures and I'm enjoying the crisp air. The cats not so much. They still beg to go out but the time outside is getting shorter. I think their little paws find the concrete cold--or I did and I'm putting my feelings onto her.

I'm off to Walmart in a few minutes to pick up the pictures I ordered for the office. Fingers crossed that they turn out with a good enough resolution for hanging in my office. The office decoration continues. I got the new Ikea things in place and once the photos are framed and ready for hanging it will be complete! The pops of orange accessories look great against the yellow beige walls and the dark walnut desks. When you think of how much time you would spend in your office it only makes sense to have it looking nice and reflect your style.

Paid my deposit for Argentina last night and got some additional information on the trip. We will be staying in Buenos Aires the whole time and will be helping out in the city--not a remote village. It also sounds like some of my team members are interested in learning to I think dance lessons are in my future. Yeah!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The trip to Edmonton was successful and we came back with a truck full of 'stuff.' Up at 5am and picked up T at 6am and on the road South shortly after that. We arrived in Edmonton just after 11am and the shopping began. First stop was to pick up something that another pal from work had requested and then off to the South side for Ikea...after a stop for lunch. We spent several hours wandering around in Ikea and I picked up some great things for my office makeover. Hit up a few other stores, spent some money and then hit the road again around 7:30pm. Arrived back just after midnight and I was hitting the sheets at 1am. Considing I had been up for 20 hours I was surprised I wasn't more tired.

It was nice to be back on some familiar roads and see some familiar sites.

Today I am having a very lazy day. I have piles of bags to put away and need to go to the office to put my new stuff away, but I don't feel like it yet...maybe later today. It's only 2pm after all so I still have lots of day left.

Besides, who doesn't deserve some down time after a day with 10 hours of driving?