It's Monday...and I'm not at work. :) Don't you just love holiday Mondays? Of course for you retired folks it may not see special in the same way it to to us M-Fer's but I'm sure you know what I mean.
I've been told by a long time FMMA resident (7 years and counting---which in FMMA terms is a long time resident) that in the fall it goes like this: green. yellow. gone. Well folks, that is correct. The leaves have been a gorgeous yellow colour the past few weeks. A very bright vibrant yellow gold that birch trees turn. Wonderful colour to look at in this little valley where I live. Today I notice that the leaves are gone. Not all of them, but when I look at the hills of the valley I notice that there are not grey patches where the leaves once clung. Large patches of soft grey among the yellow which sounds pretty but instead makes the hills look stark and bare. Fall has indeed begun to pass. The evenings are cool and a quick check of the weather shows that we reached negative temperatures over night.
The concrete on the patio during the day when the sun is out warms up to be bare foot friendly but the rest of the day it is cold and requires shoes. The cats are still very much enjoying their outdoor adventures but at night when the temperature drops they are more reluctant to take the initial steps out the door and I seem to be the only one hanging out out to view the Northern lights.
Goals for the day--clean apartment. This reminds me that this was my goal for Saturday but you know, stuff happens. I did manage to get the kitchen clean on Saturday and did some baking. I made apple cobbler muffins and a brownie of sorts. The only real problem with baking is that the kitchen gets dirty--again and must be cleaned--again.
With the help of T, I managed to get my pictures up in the office and I'm pretty happy with how it looks--pictures at some point in the future. Oh, and I got all the laundry cleaned, now to fold and put away. Thank goodness I just have me to look after cause I think if there were more of me I'd never get this place tidy.
Hi Jennifer,
I agree about Monday holidays, they are great, I think I enjoy my Sat and Sun more when I don't have to work on a Monday.
Trees here are starting to get very pretty, I think I'd miss the red and orange if we went from green to yellow, with no change in between.
You will have to get the babies some winter booties to enable them to get their fresh air in the winter! That would be cute!
Hope you are enjoying the new items in your office today - looking forward to some pics!
Have a nice "short" week - although I mentally find the week longer when it's 4 days! Go figure!!
Cheers ... Lori B.
Life seems to be back to normal for you and you are feeling better. Glad to hear it. You know, cleaning is not that bad if you schedule it bit by bit. The fall colors are so beautiful but when they come the trees reality sets in and we don't look forward to cold and snow.
Still, our Fall on PEI has been beautiful and warm and we cannot complain.
You can now sit in your office and enjoy your surroundings!
Hi Jennifer,
Glad to hear you got your pictures up in your office the way that you wanted them. The leaves going from green to yellow, to gone..strange. I think I would miss some of the other colors. The trees here are mostly still green, but a few trees are beginning to change now. Have a great rest of the week.
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