Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hello Everyone.

It's going to be a long week. You know how you can just tell its going to be a long week when the first two days make you feel like you've been at work for a full week already.

On the very plus side of things I have an invite to Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. Yeah, I'm pretty happy about that. She's new to FMMA and new to the company. Her BF is from PEI! I don't think we know each other or have common friends but you never know. I said I'd bring dessert...so now I need to figure out what to bring.

The weather has defintely taken the turn for cool fall temperatures and I'm enjoying the crisp air. The cats not so much. They still beg to go out but the time outside is getting shorter. I think their little paws find the concrete cold--or I did and I'm putting my feelings onto her.

I'm off to Walmart in a few minutes to pick up the pictures I ordered for the office. Fingers crossed that they turn out with a good enough resolution for hanging in my office. The office decoration continues. I got the new Ikea things in place and once the photos are framed and ready for hanging it will be complete! The pops of orange accessories look great against the yellow beige walls and the dark walnut desks. When you think of how much time you would spend in your office it only makes sense to have it looking nice and reflect your style.

Paid my deposit for Argentina last night and got some additional information on the trip. We will be staying in Buenos Aires the whole time and will be helping out in the city--not a remote village. It also sounds like some of my team members are interested in learning to Tango...so I think dance lessons are in my future. Yeah!


Jack said...

Hi Jennifer,

I feel the same way about this week, now it's day 3 and I'm worn out. Hope your pictures turn out great. Buenos Aries sounds like so much fun. Glad to hear you won't be in a remote village. Have a great rest of the week.


Anonymous said...

Good morning Jennifer,

Now it's Wed -mid week - only 2 more days to go to the long weekend. Nice that you get to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with someone - hate when I hear about people on their own for holidays. I have to cook a turkey at my house, but bring it to mom's, she won't give up having everyone at her house, but at least she will let us help out and bring things. Xmas is much the same.

Any pink objects to go with your orange and yellow? Then it would match the home page colors.

Now that you have made your first payment on your trip, it probably feels a little more real, it will be here before you know it too.

Enjoy the rest of the week and if not blogging before turkey day - enjoy it!!

Lori B.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer you will need to try and take pictures of the decorated office so we can see too! Sounds like it is coming along great.

I can understand why the kitties will mind their feet getting cold on the deck.

Buenos Aries eh! Sounds interesting. You will have fun exploring a new city and see how the build goes there compared to India.

Thanksgiving dinner with another Islander. Sounds like a great plan. It will be interesting to see if you each know people in common.
