Morning. The problem with falling asleep at 8pm is waking up at 4am and not being able to get back to sleep. I see a nap in my not so distant future. I guess I had a hard week if I feel asleep so early in the evening.
Good news came by email yesterday. You may or may not remember--and I may or may not have mentioned it. I just doubled checked the old blog and apparently I hadn't mentioned this here it is. Back in October I wrote the first half of my HR designation and found out in December that I had passed. Wanting to get it finished and have the actual designation (and yes, more letters behind my name LOL) I signed up to write in May. I'm not sure why I thought that was a good idea considering I was arriving back from India 5 days before the exam but I did. One day in India I suddenly stood up, stopped what I was doing and let out a few swear words along with "I'm writing an exam in a few days." By the time I arrived back in Canada it was too late to postpone the exam so feeling stressed about the lack of a job and knowing I was travelling the very next day to FMMA and still being jet lagged I wrote. I was the first one to leave the room.
Here's the thing. I hate tests. I've had to write a few minor tests since arriving and my stomach always ends up in knots before I write and I am in a panic that I might not pass...I always do...but I suffer from test anxiety.
Anyway...I left the exam and felt that at the very least I knew what to expect in October when I re-wrote the exam...all this to say that I will not be re-writing in October....I passed. I can now officially put CHRP behind my name...too bad my business cards just came in. LOL. I am a Certified Human Resources Professional. WHOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!
Insert Happy Dance here...
Dear Jennifer CHRP:
Many, many congrats on passing your test! You should be immensely happy & proud of yourself! So happy for you! Have a great restful rest of the weekend, you deserve it!
Hi Jennifer,
Congratulations on the designation! You must have been thrilled that you don't have to re-write. All that previous studying stayed with you.
Lori B.
Hi Jennifer:
Congratulations on passsing your exam and obtaining your CHRP designation. Now from people who are studying for that on PEI I understand it is a rigiours program and tough exam. I'm so proud of you to have passed both exams when you were under extreme pressure both times. Last Spring you were looking for work and left a very stressful job. This Spring you were looking for work again, organized and participated in a habitat build and just because you weren't stressed enough you write your CHRP exam. I can only wonder if you would have passed if yu were not in one of these situations. You are a "wonder girl" indeed! I'm just so pleased for you. I know how much you wanted to obtain this designation as it will certainly be very helpful to you should you have need to apply for any jobs in the future. However, having said that, I think you are very happy where you are now and I don't forsee you needing to even think about another job let alone apply for one.
I hope the babies gave you special attention to congratulate you.
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