Sunday, February 5, 2012

Welcome back to the electronic world of posting. It's been a long time since this website was used.

Why? Dunno. Just not in the mood. I've been busy this past week. I signed up for ball room dancing lessons, met with a girl who I am going to help mentor (HR stuff), and went to a local photography club meeting. Oh yeah, and I went to work.

New Years Eve I googled anti-NY resolutions and found this Challenge website. You can join different areas and they give you small challenges to do each day. The first one I joined was all over the place. One day you find a picture that represents where you want to go, the next day it might be a 1 minute exercise. Then I joined one which is just a different exercise each day. They take less than 2 minutes each day and it just makes me feel good. You can only one 'stream' at a time and for the next 28 days I'm doing a money management one. Today's challenge is to freeze one of my credit cards. And you know what? I'm going to do it. I don't use it anyway but it couldn't hurt to take away the temptation.

Ballroom dancing was fun. I didn't have a partner but was paired up with a gentleman when I got there. He is of course...from India. LOL. I thought that was funny. I suggested he wear his steel toe boots next time so it won't hurt when I step on his feet. The class is 2.5 hours long and last for 8 weeks (I think). So far so good.

The mentoring is new to me. I saw potential in this candidate and while we were not able to hire her I'm hoping to find a way to help her with my HR knowledge. And in turn she is likely going to help me--she's a great photographer and does a lot of people/models. I would like to improve my people shots so it is a win win situation.

The photography club is also new for me. They do a monthly photo challenge and critique each others work. I'm looking forward to that. Feedback is a good thing. And most of them use different photo enhancement type programs so maybe someone will be able to help me get started with learning how to enhance my photos. They only meet one Sunday a month for 2 hours so it isn't a bit time might seem like I took on a lot this week but it just happens that they came this weekend. It won't be the same next weekend.

My last little addition is to do a photo a day challenge. I thought it was a 28 day challenge but turns out it was a photo a day for the month of 29 days and I'm already behind by 5 days. I will try and catch up by the end of this week. I'm hoping the daily photo challenge will get my creative juices running again as the photo bug has been missing for a while. 


Jack said...

Hi Jennifer,

The ballroom dancing sounds like a lot of fun. I am sure you will breeze through it. Also the photography 'lessons' sounds fun as well. I am sure you will give her a lot of knowledge about HR. Hope the kitties are doing OK. Have a great week!


Anonymous said...


You never cease to amaze us. Your energy abounds. I think the ballroom dancing would be a blast and you will so enjoy it. You are already a great photographer so it will be of great interest to you to learn more about the subject. I can't wait to see the photos you take with your new knowledge.

How nice of you to mentor the gal with HR knowledge. I bet it feels real good to do this.

It was so great to hear from you and hear what you have been up to. Missed your blog.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,

Appears I've not been using my computer at night lately, as I'm a week late reading and posting! Glad to see a post, missed your updates. Sounds like you are keeping busy, ballroom dancing would be fun I think, my two left feet might not survive, but it always looks so graceful when I see it on TV. Good to hear you are in the photography club, you've always had such great pictures, can only imagine what we may see!! Hint there to show and tell!

The new year "anti" resolutions is a different approach, I just take it all as another day. Sounds like you have need some discipline to partake especially when I read about freezing a credit card, that scares me!! The person being mentored is a lucky lady, on the job training is the best kind, even if it is just an interest at this point, not part of the job.

Looking forward to hearing more on the dancing.

Have a great week ... Lori B.