Monday, January 23, 2012

Wow...where does the time go? Can you believe that we are closing in on February? I can't.

I'm watching Hudson try to squeeze herself into one of the 'levels' of a shoe organizer that you hang in the closet. LOL. This is hilarious. She can't even come close to fitting.

What's new and exciting? Not much. I was loving the weather last week. -30 always brings a smile to my face. The sun shines and the sky is blue. Perfect.

The past couple of weekends I've been doing some spring cleaning. This weekend past I decided to tackle the bathroom. It isn't finished yet but here's how that happened....

Step 1...walk into bathroom, take all towels off shelves and place on floor.
Move all items from under sink to floor.
see if shelf fits under sink
put items back under sink
take shelf to bedroom
decide wire shelf in closet needs plank
fit stiff cardboard to cover shelf
place bathroom shelves on top of bedroom shelf

empty tote onto floor
put items on shelf
re-arrange all hangers in closet
decide that dresser is not organized well
empty out dresser drawers
re-organize drawers
re-organize again based on order of getting dressed
move items out of bedroom for hall closet
finish bedroom closet
finish folding laundry
put away laundry in newly organized drawers
re-do drawers to amount of clothing for each drawer can see why I never got the bathroom finished. LOL.

Ah well.
So I haven't been overly busy I am keeping busy. At the beginning of the year I decided to give myself weekly challenges. The first week I went 7 days without spending any money. The next 7 days I was supposed to spend no more than 60 minutes per day on the internet. The 3rd week it was to take my vitamins everyday.
This week it is to make sure the kitchen is clean before going to bed.

The first week was relatively easy. Week 2 didn't go as well. I was over almost everyday, BUT I was very aware of my time online and did cut it down. Believe it or not the hardest week has been the vitamin week. I just can't seem to make that part of my routine. I'm not sure why it is so hard.


Jack said...

Hi Jennifer,

Yeas, hard to believe it is almost February already. Shame you didn't take a pic of Hudson trying to squeeze into the shoe organizer, I can imagine how funny that must have looked. Even though you didn't get the bathroom finished, you got a lot of other stuff accomplished! What about a pillbox, like the ones in the pharmacy stores, and fill the vitamins in it, and set it by your coffee/soda each morning before heading out the door? Works for me so far. Heading back to the beach the weekend of Feb. 11 for the weekend, can't wait, need a break. Have a great rest of the week.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,

I agree about how the time flies, not many more days left in January. Hudson sounds like quite the character, can only imagine him trying to fit in one of the shoe slots, they aren't very big, and in pics, he isn't very small!! The temperature you like will hopefully stay out there, don't want it that cold here!! Today is very mild with rain, which will could very well be ice when it's time to head home, I hope not!!

Any house cleaning is good, even if it wasn't the intended room. At least you have tidy drawers now! Our place is a disaster at the moment, in the midst of painting and moving stuff (lots of stuff!!) from room to room. Painting the main floor, one of my mom's friends is at our house right now painting, she is a real go getter when it comes to tackling anything. Puts most men to shame!! She doesn't know how to sit still and when it was mentioned we might be painting in a general conversation, she arrived at our house Sat and said she wanted to start Monday - needless to say, I was gone like a flash to buy paint and them start cleaning out rooms!!

Your new year's resolution is neat, I'd have trouble not spending money! I think I could handled the personal internet time, lots of evenings I don't even turn computer on at home after being on it at work. I guess I'd have to add this time right now to personal time though!! Vitamins I take at supper time when other meds are taken. (when I remember of course!!)

Have a great week ... Lori B.

Anonymous said...


Burrrr, I think your temps are very cold but not likely cold compared to when you were up North.

Cats are the most amusing animals and their curosity gets them into the stranges places. The cat is willing but the body doesn't always fit!

I too have been house cleaning. I house cleaned the living room, kitchen, hall, and porch in early December. Did one bedroom mid December and over the last two weeks cleaned three bedrooms and the kitchen cupboards. Yeah - I'm done! So I know the energy it takes to do the job and the push to motivate yourself to do it. So go girl!

I think Jack's plan to head to the beach sounds just devine! Obviously the beaches on PEI are not very warm right now but I believe he has access to a much warmer climate. Jack - have a great time!
