Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I am such a procrastinator. I still haven't done my pre-pack to make sure I have everything...oh well. I'm sure I'll be fine. I still haven't cleaned the house from top to bottom and I have someone stopping by tomorrow to meet the cats so it at least needs to be presentable. And I still haven't finished my Christmas door decorations.

I have...spent part of my evening entertaining my cats and thinking about life and my future. I have recovered from one day of illness on Monday when I was home sick. I have managed to pick up a charger for my camera. Not the charger I ordered but one that will do for now. I also managed to finally get the promise from the store manager that when the one I ordered comes in she will take this one back. This one is twice the size and while it would work for any battery of this type regardless of size, I want my small charger. It fits into my life nicely.

Work was interesting today. We were evacutated from the building last night due to what they thought at the time was a gas leak. It wasn't. It happened at the end of the day and there was only a few of us in the building. 911 was called and it was fine. I actually was just about to leave the office when we were told to get out so I just drove home totally unconcerned. Today it happened again just before lunch. We evacuated again and after a quick head count headed down the street to one of our other offices. The staff were feed pizza, watched a movie and awaited news. Some of us spent the time in the building trying to determine if/when it would be safe for the others to return and how we were going to fix the smell. It wasn't a gas leak. We are pretty sure we have an idea of what caused the smell. It certainly wasn't dangerous but better safe than sorry. Everyone is back to work in the morning. Needless to say I didn't get much actual work done.

Yes, I'm super excited about the is almost all I can think about. What I am surprised at is my apparent lack of planning. I didn't go to see about shots and immunizations...which I should have. Having been to India in April I figured I was up to date. I have had worries recently about yellow fever and my ability to get into the country but my research over the weekend shows I should be fine. (Fingers crossed--wouldn't that be embarassing??!!) I haven't really done any searching for places to go or things to see in Buenos Aires. I normally do lots of research, grab a travel book and highlight the heck out of it. Not this time. I guess because I really only have 2 days to tour around and at least part of it will be with the team I don't expect to need to 'fill time'. It is going to be a very relaxing time for me. Yeah.

Here's the website the team will be updating...I will try to do my own dates on this site but feel free to follow along on the team site.

See you on the flip side of the world!


Jack said...


Bon Voyage! I hope you have a wonderful trip! The team website is not showing on your page, for some reason. We all hope to hear from you while you are away from home.


Anonymous said...

Jennifer that was quite a work week. Bad enough to miss work due to illness but then this re-occuring reason to evacuate the building. I hope there were not things that you felt you absoutely had to finish before you left.

Here's hoping your immunizations are up to date and that you have not trouble getting into Argentina. Have a great time and drop us an update when you can.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,

I replied here last night but don't see my post today :( !! I had indicated that I couldn't see the website, however, it's there today so I bookmarked it. I hope all is packed and ready to head out, can't believe the time is here for you to go. You did have quite a week, I hope it ends OK for you. And great to have a kittie sitter ready for the babies, hope they behave!!

Can imagine how high your feet are off the ground with excitement today!!

Enjoy yourself and hope you get to view the country and it's people as well as doing the build.
Looking forward to pics, either here or on the build blog.

I know I wrote more yesterday, but of course, can't remember!!

Biggest thing is travel safe and enjoy!!

Lori B.