Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Here I am still alive and doing well in FMMA. It doesn't seem that long since I posted but apparently it has. We had our first snow fall last Thursday and it is here to stay. The temperature has dipped below the -10 mark and I suspect we are there to stay until Spring. There was frost on everything today...that beautiful white frost that would be perfect for photographing...if one had a camera that worked. Technically the camera works but the battery charger doesn't. I have ordered a new charger and with any luck it will arrive before I leave on December 2.

Last weekend I went very low key and basically locked myself into the apartment and hibernated. I had an emotionally rough week at work and knew that the upcoming week would also be emotionally draining so decided to just avoid people...especially people how suck energy out of me. So, no phone calls, no going out, no library visit. Just me and the cats hanging out together. It was FAB U LUS. It is difficult for people who don't live alone to figure out how people who do live alone could need time away from people but for me it is true. I find my day job working with people and their issues is often mentally drianing and emotionally having time alone to recharge my personal emotional battery is important. Odd duck...maybe. But I know me. I know what works for me.

My mother has returned from her trip to New York and by all accounts it was a success. In just over 2 weeks I will be heading South for my own adventure. Am looking forward to arriving in Argentina.


Jack said...

Hi Jennifer,

I know exactly what you mean about needing alone down time, and you are correct, it does drain you. Glad you took time for yourself and had a good time with just the babies. Hard to believe it's such a short time until you leave on your trip! Time is flying by.

Anonymous said...


I'm glad you know how to re-charge your batteries. Not everyone doesn. The cats would be happy for your company. Plans for your December trip would be on your mind too as you check things off that must be done. Take care.
