Sunday, November 20, 2011

Another weekend has come and is almost gone. I need to head out to the library this afternoon and get some more books--and do some returns. Other than the laundry the only major thing left to do today is chill. Chill seems to be the word of the day in town.

We've been hovering around -20 the past week. It really doesn't bother me. You dress for it and that's all there is to it. Of course this winter I am spoiled as I have heated underground parking which means in the morning I climb into a warm vehicle that isn't covered in snow. At the end of the day I get in and drive home which involves a bit of snow removal but still, no complaints from me.

The two fuzzy roommates have finally given up on going outside but are still happy to sit at the door for a few minutes and sniff the air. There isn't snow on the deck yet so I haven't had the joy of tossing them out into the snow for the reaction.

I will do a trial packing run this week to see if I am prepared for the journey south...but I think I have everything I need. I picked up some building pants yesterday and that was all I had on my shopping list. It is a short trip--12 days in total. And that includes the 20+ hours of travel each way.


Anonymous said...


After your description of the weather in FMM I think you will find the temperatures much warmer for the build!

I can't believe how close it is to your departure. Hope the trial packing goes well.


Jack said...


Wow, -20, yikes! but the heated parking area sounds divine for the morning commute! I am sure your trial packing will go well. I would think the babies would take one quick whiff of -20 air and run for cover when you open the door for them!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,

Hard to believe your trip is in just a couple of weeks! As you've been on the builds before I'm sure your packing is much easier than the first time you went, and it was longer! You will definitely have a change of weather, no doubt you are looking forward to the warmer climate. With -20 in FMM I think I'd be like the cats, stick my nose out and run back in!! If only we had the choice to stay in when we felt it was too cold or too hot to go out, unfortunately when we work, we don't get to pick our days to stay in. You must appreciate the warm car in the morning.

I was in Ottawa last week for 3 days, hubby had meetings and my friend who lives there spent the time with me, running the roads, visiting relatives and some shopping, she had much more success than I did! Great break from work for me.

Enjoy the week ... Lori B.

Anonymous said...


Winter has found us. Yet 20 cms of snow arrived and today is snow removal time. The weather for the next few days is 5, 7 and 3 and then 9 degrees so I guess it won't stay long but it gave us a real taste of what it is like to drivce in i again.
