Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I am such a procrastinator. I still haven't done my pre-pack to make sure I have everything...oh well. I'm sure I'll be fine. I still haven't cleaned the house from top to bottom and I have someone stopping by tomorrow to meet the cats so it at least needs to be presentable. And I still haven't finished my Christmas door decorations.

I have...spent part of my evening entertaining my cats and thinking about life and my future. I have recovered from one day of illness on Monday when I was home sick. I have managed to pick up a charger for my camera. Not the charger I ordered but one that will do for now. I also managed to finally get the promise from the store manager that when the one I ordered comes in she will take this one back. This one is twice the size and while it would work for any battery of this type regardless of size, I want my small charger. It fits into my life nicely.

Work was interesting today. We were evacutated from the building last night due to what they thought at the time was a gas leak. It wasn't. It happened at the end of the day and there was only a few of us in the building. 911 was called and it was fine. I actually was just about to leave the office when we were told to get out so I just drove home totally unconcerned. Today it happened again just before lunch. We evacuated again and after a quick head count headed down the street to one of our other offices. The staff were feed pizza, watched a movie and awaited news. Some of us spent the time in the building trying to determine if/when it would be safe for the others to return and how we were going to fix the smell. It wasn't a gas leak. We are pretty sure we have an idea of what caused the smell. It certainly wasn't dangerous but better safe than sorry. Everyone is back to work in the morning. Needless to say I didn't get much actual work done.

Yes, I'm super excited about the is almost all I can think about. What I am surprised at is my apparent lack of planning. I didn't go to see about shots and immunizations...which I should have. Having been to India in April I figured I was up to date. I have had worries recently about yellow fever and my ability to get into the country but my research over the weekend shows I should be fine. (Fingers crossed--wouldn't that be embarassing??!!) I haven't really done any searching for places to go or things to see in Buenos Aires. I normally do lots of research, grab a travel book and highlight the heck out of it. Not this time. I guess because I really only have 2 days to tour around and at least part of it will be with the team I don't expect to need to 'fill time'. It is going to be a very relaxing time for me. Yeah.

Here's the website the team will be updating...I will try to do my own dates on this site but feel free to follow along on the team site.

See you on the flip side of the world!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

In only 6 days I will be stepping foot onto an airplane and heading South. Further south then I have ever been before. Below the equator. Excited doesn't begin to cover the feelings.

I have found someone to come in and take care of the cats. One of the ladies from work is happy to stop in a few times and check up on them. I will be cat proofing the house over the next few days.

Tomorrow I will be doing my practice pack and getting ready to decorate my holiday door at the office. I have this idea for a fireplace on the door with a wreath on the mantle and stockings hung all around.

Tonight I headed out for the lighting ceremony at one of hte local parks to start the holiday season. It was a great light/music show followed by a parade. The parade was pretty good. Lots of great lights and some interesting floats. My favorite was a cement truck with lights all around and a couple of penguins on the 'slide' at the back. There were lots of treats for the kids and people were singing out and shout Merry Christmas. Great atmosphere. My only negative thought was that I was not properly dressed to be out for so long. I knew the parka and my snowpants would be too hot so I didn't wear them. What I did wear was ok for the start of my evening but about a 1/2 hour in I was starting to regret that decision. For the first time in I don't know how many years I was not properly dressed for the cold outdoors. I may need at some point to invest in a pair of snow pants that are not as warm as the ones I presently own which are more made for long days out in -40 temps....not temps hovering around -5. But no rush on the new snowpants, I'm heading to a place where the temperature is hovering around 25+ and by the time I get back the temperatures will be closer to -20.

Someone really needs to come over here and get me off the couch and into action to clean, fold laundry, pack and make my decorations.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Another weekend has come and is almost gone. I need to head out to the library this afternoon and get some more books--and do some returns. Other than the laundry the only major thing left to do today is chill. Chill seems to be the word of the day in town.

We've been hovering around -20 the past week. It really doesn't bother me. You dress for it and that's all there is to it. Of course this winter I am spoiled as I have heated underground parking which means in the morning I climb into a warm vehicle that isn't covered in snow. At the end of the day I get in and drive home which involves a bit of snow removal but still, no complaints from me.

The two fuzzy roommates have finally given up on going outside but are still happy to sit at the door for a few minutes and sniff the air. There isn't snow on the deck yet so I haven't had the joy of tossing them out into the snow for the reaction.

I will do a trial packing run this week to see if I am prepared for the journey south...but I think I have everything I need. I picked up some building pants yesterday and that was all I had on my shopping list. It is a short trip--12 days in total. And that includes the 20+ hours of travel each way.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Here I am still alive and doing well in FMMA. It doesn't seem that long since I posted but apparently it has. We had our first snow fall last Thursday and it is here to stay. The temperature has dipped below the -10 mark and I suspect we are there to stay until Spring. There was frost on everything today...that beautiful white frost that would be perfect for photographing...if one had a camera that worked. Technically the camera works but the battery charger doesn't. I have ordered a new charger and with any luck it will arrive before I leave on December 2.

Last weekend I went very low key and basically locked myself into the apartment and hibernated. I had an emotionally rough week at work and knew that the upcoming week would also be emotionally draining so decided to just avoid people...especially people how suck energy out of me. So, no phone calls, no going out, no library visit. Just me and the cats hanging out together. It was FAB U LUS. It is difficult for people who don't live alone to figure out how people who do live alone could need time away from people but for me it is true. I find my day job working with people and their issues is often mentally drianing and emotionally having time alone to recharge my personal emotional battery is important. Odd duck...maybe. But I know me. I know what works for me.

My mother has returned from her trip to New York and by all accounts it was a success. In just over 2 weeks I will be heading South for my own adventure. Am looking forward to arriving in Argentina.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Before my mother headed out on her trip she asked what I wanted for my birthday/Christmas. So...this morning I decided to put together a WISH list...this is by no means the actual list but the grandiose if I had a lot of money and was a frivilous person this is what I would buy list...

I'll start with this gorgeous dress from Dolce & Gabbana. An absolute steal at $4,525. That's US so it would be a wee bit cheaper in CDN $.

This shoe is a steal at just under 100 pounds. It doesn't go with the dress, but I'm sure I could find something else to wear with them. I just think they are fabulous.

And that's the end of my list. lol...short and sweet. ah well.

Just got back from the gym and it was awesome. I enjoy going once I get there and we all know the biggest hurdle is the going. It is certainly helping to have a gym buddy. Another 5 sessions before I head out on my holiday...which is only 26 days away!

Haven't started looking for a cat sitter yet. I'm hopeful I can get someone from work to come in and look at them a couple of times. It is a short trip so I figure they only need three visits (at a minimum) to make sure they have enough water and that they haven't totally destroyed the house. They are being super cuddly today. Earlier we all fell asleep together on the couch which is a super rare occasion. It was delightful...right up until the phone rang and the two of them bolted.

The weather has taken a downward turn and we have been in the below zero temps for the past week....but still no snow. I did notice that the river has ice all around the edges and is looking gorgeous. I can see the river from my deck. And with the downward turn in the temps my two monsters are not as anxious to be outside. Actually, they are anxious to be out but then change their minds when I actually open the door.

I went to a passion party last night. One of the girls from work invited me and I'm glad I went. It was a ton of laughs and a great group of gals. I hope to hang out with some of them again.

Hoping to head to Edmonton the weekend after next for a quick one day trip again. Would like to pick up a couple of items before my trip and hey, a girls day in Edmonton is never a bad thing.

And another short week coming up. I always mark Rememberance day in my own way and will do the same again this year. I hope you do too.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Oh the things one can find on the internet. Today I learned that girls can pee standing up. I saw/heard about it in a tv show and well, had to know. And now I do. There is a knack to it but it could prove a useful trick for the next build. I won't explain it, if you are really interested--google it.

Had a really good day at work today. One of those ones when it wasn't hurried or frantic and nothing major popped up. One of those days when you get stuff done and feel you are master of your desk.

As we get older we generally find that we are becoming more andmore like our parents. In this next case I think my mom is becoming more like me. My mom is heading down to New York city to help out at the Bowery Mission.

"The Bowery Mission has served homeless and hungry New Yorkers since 1879, when its neighborhood came to define the term “skid row.” Our children’s programs, called Kids With A Promise, serve at-risk youth and began in 1894 by giving the children of recent immigrants the chance to escape the tenements in the summer."

"This year, our donors and volunteers helped The Bowery Mission provide more than 356,000 meals, 34,000 bags of groceries, 72,100 nights of shelter and 45,300 articles of clothing, as well as showers, haircuts, 500 professional doctor’s appointments and 100 eye examinations at our in-house clinic."

Mom's heading down with a group from her church, including a very close family friend. Have a great time ladies. Mom, I'm proud of you.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Finally. Last night the key was slipped under the apartment door for my mail box. I was able to finally get access to my's been over a month since it became trapped.

I headed downstairs and picked up my mail...I had parcels and letters and bills oh, and a magazine. It was super exciting.