Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ok, where were we...right. The  vacation.

Stopped at the Laird hot springs--this is a wonderful place to stop. There is camping with nicely treed sites and some very friendly squirrels.  The hot springs themselves are amazing and very hot. I don't have a lot of experience with hot springs but these must be near the top of anyones list. The bottom of the pool is natural--tiny pebbles. The grass and trees grow right up to the edges and the whole place is barely alterd by man. There are change rooms off to the side and a wooden platform with stairs leading into the hot springs but in a very minimal way. This was our first chance to wash--as well as one can in a pool that smells or rotten eggs without using soap.

It poured rain as we got back from our soak but snug and snoring in my tent it didn't bother me.

Enjoying a fire while waiting for the dishes to be done.

The tarp came in very handy for providing some coverage from the rain.

Our friendly squirrel checking out my towel.
Our great camp site.
Before the hot springs we had supper at our camp site and had a furry little visitor. A squirrel. He (or she) was friendly and anxious to share our dinner. He was into everything including the totes that we had out and about. After supper he finally got the better of us and he climbed into the pot that our curry had cooked in. All that was poking out was his furry little tail. We had tried to not feed him but gave up when it was obvious that he had gotten the better of us.

The second night of the trip we put water on to boil to wash the dishes with and while it was heating up for the cutlery in the pot--this will make it faster and easier. And it was. We tried this again in Laird and it wasn't easier. The fire must have been a lot hotter because it melted the ends of the utensils that were out of the water and set the chop stick on fire. Oh well. It was funny and sad at the same time.

Nice bison on the side of the road.

A very small part of the herd that we saw.

Another great view.

Nice bear eating his breakfast on the side of the road.
The next morning on the road to Watson Lake we see bison. A lot of bison. We almost didn't stop the second time, 'oh, just another bison' but luckily we did stop--it was a herd of bison with some baby bison.
Next stop...Yukon.


Anonymous said...

Jennifer: I love the way you write. Great pictures and I'm not so sure I want to be that close to a big bison or a bear. Both could move a lot faster than I could but Red probably has great pick up with the gas peddle. The squirrel was obviously use to campbers and you were just another free meal to him.


Jack said...

Hi Jennifer,

Beautiful pictures and wonderful narrative as always. You really should consider becoming a professional photographer, and/or maybe a writer! I am like Edith, don't think I would want to get that close to a bear, nor a bison! I am looking forward to the Yukon segment!


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Great pictures as usual Jeannifer! What fantastic scenery, it's beautiful out west. Squirrel must really be used to humans at the park, wouldn't think curry would appeal to one, but hey, food is food I guess. Were you as close to the bear as one would think from looking at the picture, and if so, I hope the picture was taken from inside big red! Can't wait to the Yukon pictures.

Enjoy rest of your week .. Lori B.