Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Monday went well. They are working me into the position slowly, though I know my supervisor is anxious to toss the reigns over to me as she has been covering the position for a long time. I was given my office, met the staff and basically left on my own for the day--after I had my orientation with the computer guru. The office needs a lot of cleaning out of files, etc and I went with gusto to the shred box many times...and I'm not done yet. I'm making the call on what needs to go/stay and its been a great way to start to read about what the person before me looked after.

Tuesday I spent away from the office taking a test. I am now certified to go out to site. I won't be working out at site but you need to pass this test before you are allowed out at any of the sites around town. It's all safety and common sense. Today is another day in the office sitting with the other staff and getting an idea of what they do and what they cover. Thursday I have an orientation session to attend for the company, its a half day session and I'm looking forward to it. Then Friday is back in the office for more settling in and watching and learning.

I took advantage of being finished early yesterday to get a few chores done--visit the post office to try and get my mail sorted out, get my insurance switched over and things like that. The post office issue has been taken care of, but now that the workers are locked out the likelihood of my mail ever arriving is getting very slim. There was a mix up with my mailing address and the original unit number I was given is incorrect so any mail that was to be re-directed may or may not have been sent to me and it may or may not have been collected by the person living in that unit...or I just might not have any mail that has arrived yet. Sigh....and now with the lock out I'm never going to see mail again. The post office was alive and well yesterday when I was there. Lots of mail being sent and people hoping to collect I'm not sure this strike has eliminated all the mail that Canada Post claims.

In other news, the fires above town continue to burn. There are over 600 hectares burning at present and over 700 firefighters trying to stop the fire. It isn't coming close to town and they don't really expect it to but the smoke drifts in on a regular basis and gives the appearance of smog/fog but leaves a distinct fire smoke in your nose. I admit I haven't been following it too closely and the general consensus around town is that beside the devastation to the forest and land farther North that it won't really affect us.

The cats are behaving a bit differently here than on PEI. I guess it is an adjustment period for them as well. They are much more vocal that before--and they have always been vocal kitties. Tundra doesn't seem as happy as she could be, she seems to never be able to settle. I'm hoping that will end soon once she has gotten used to the new smells and sounds of the apartment. I am also ordering a couch cover--leather couch and the cats is not a good combination as they slip off the couch and I'm terrified of the claws getting into it. Hudson my little kneeder was doing her thing the other morning while she purred and the claws got stuff a couple of times in the leather...there goes the damage deposit. The deck is of interest to them and they enjoy watching out the window to see all the action below us. I am hoping to put some screen up around the edges of the deck, get some flower boxes around the edges this weekend and then allow the cats out...but I'm not sure. Obviously with supervision...but I'm worried that Hudson will jump up on the railing or attempt to and since it is curved and there is a 4 storey drop...I'm still not sure about the deck and cats.  At the moment she is walking along the top of the cupboards in that space between cupboard top and amount of coaxing is getting her down from there....sigh.

Oh well. I'm off. Have a great day.


Jack said...


WOW, have you been a busy busy lady! I know it's a big adjustment, but you'll do fine. I read about the mail strike about an hour ago. I think eventually you will get all of your mail. I totally agree with the sofa cover! :) I hope the fires stay far away from town. The balcony & the cats..hmm..don't think I would chance that one. Mine seems fine to stare out many windows all over the house, and has never attempted an escape through a momentary door opening & closing as a human does come & go. Good luck on day 3..before you know it, week one will be over & done! Celebrate some over the weekend & pat yourself on the back Friday afternoon!


Anonymous said...


Welcome to Thursday and just 2 work days left in week # 1. You are doing really well. Sounds like the initial days and meeting of people is going well. Your poor babies must be going through such an adjustment phase. First the kennel, then the plane, and now they are trying to figure out where you are living with them.

I do hope that forest fire stays well away from where you are.

The postal strike is very different from past ones. I hope that your mail does find you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,

It's now Friday and by the time you read this, you will have your first week completed. Sounds like you won't have time to be bored, which is wonderful. I hope all your co-workers turn out to be great people to work with and that the job is what you hoped it would be. You are brave to start shredding things, I'd be afraid to get rid of stuff!! Might be kinda nice to get out of the office sometimes for site visits.

Wow, you are one busy bee! I don't think I'd be able to keep up. I hope the kitties have settled down some now and have hopefully realized that you aren't leaving them all together, it was just a temporary separation!!

Take care and I hope you get to enjoy the weekend, without too much unpacking left to do.

Lori B.