Monday, February 18, 2013

Gotta love long weekends! I left the office at 5pm on the dot Friday and haven't really thought about work since. That is so great! I finished all my packing which isn't a good thing because it means I will have time on my hands later this week and will end up wanting to pack more.

The house is almost completely cleaned and I'm ready to go...just need to put in some more time. Friday is going to be a rough day at the office....I won't want to be there. LOL

Weather was decent and I made sure to get out to enjoy some of the sunshine. Hope everyone else had a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Hi there Jennifer,

Hard to believe so few sleeps left before you head out! Did you decide where you are going first yet, or are you playing it by ear? Sounds like you are well organized and ready to roll. We also had Monday off "Family Day" in PEI, 3rd Monday of Feb now a stat holiday - gotta love it!! We had some wind and snow yesterday, lots of rain on Sunday, good weekend to enjoy at home, which I did!

Safe travels if we don't hear from you before you leave. I guess if we don't see any new entries here we can check on the old blog?

Enjoy ... Lori B.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer: You are well organized for the departure for your trip. Not sure why 'Friday' is a day you would prefer not to be at work but maybe you'll have more on that later. I hope the weather cooperates for your flight departure to be on time. Enjoy the warmer temperatures you are heading to. Stay safe and enjoy your holiday before the hard work of the build.


Anonymous said...

Have a safe and wonderful trip. Good luck with the build. We will follow your trip through your blog.
Auntie F.