Monday, January 23, 2012

Wow...where does the time go? Can you believe that we are closing in on February? I can't.

I'm watching Hudson try to squeeze herself into one of the 'levels' of a shoe organizer that you hang in the closet. LOL. This is hilarious. She can't even come close to fitting.

What's new and exciting? Not much. I was loving the weather last week. -30 always brings a smile to my face. The sun shines and the sky is blue. Perfect.

The past couple of weekends I've been doing some spring cleaning. This weekend past I decided to tackle the bathroom. It isn't finished yet but here's how that happened....

Step 1...walk into bathroom, take all towels off shelves and place on floor.
Move all items from under sink to floor.
see if shelf fits under sink
put items back under sink
take shelf to bedroom
decide wire shelf in closet needs plank
fit stiff cardboard to cover shelf
place bathroom shelves on top of bedroom shelf

empty tote onto floor
put items on shelf
re-arrange all hangers in closet
decide that dresser is not organized well
empty out dresser drawers
re-organize drawers
re-organize again based on order of getting dressed
move items out of bedroom for hall closet
finish bedroom closet
finish folding laundry
put away laundry in newly organized drawers
re-do drawers to amount of clothing for each drawer can see why I never got the bathroom finished. LOL.

Ah well.
So I haven't been overly busy I am keeping busy. At the beginning of the year I decided to give myself weekly challenges. The first week I went 7 days without spending any money. The next 7 days I was supposed to spend no more than 60 minutes per day on the internet. The 3rd week it was to take my vitamins everyday.
This week it is to make sure the kitchen is clean before going to bed.

The first week was relatively easy. Week 2 didn't go as well. I was over almost everyday, BUT I was very aware of my time online and did cut it down. Believe it or not the hardest week has been the vitamin week. I just can't seem to make that part of my routine. I'm not sure why it is so hard.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

When I took my 2011 calendar down last week I realized that I didn't have a 2012 one to replace it. This is a very rare occourance for me as I normally get one of two foor Christmas. What is a girl to do? Make one!

I took the pictures as I was on my way out the door so they aren't the best...but you get an idea of what I acheived. My sister and I received page a day calendars a couple of years ago. We LOVE shoes. It seemed a shame to toss the pages and I knew some day I'd find something to do with them...and I finally have. You may be thinking this doesn't look like a calendar....I printed off on paper an actual calendar to attach to the bottom. I already have a plan for February's shoes. And yes, the cute girl at the bottom is me. :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas trees at the house this year. I went very low key.
So what do three single gals do on a Saturday night?  Play with bubbles of course.

Warning...lots of cat pictures ahead.

 Hudson playing with the bubbles.
 They are so funny. We've played bubbles before but they just seem to love the game--and funny but they can never catch them. LOL
 Tundra fascintated by the magical bubbles floating in the air.
After bubbles we played with the fishing rod. Hudson attacks it while Tundra gets a snack.
 This is the new glass display case I bought in Edmonton. It holds my carvings and keeps the cats away. There is a light at the top and it looks wonderful at night. I need to figure out how to kide the cord so it isn't as obvious as it is in this picture.
Look up, loook waaayyyy up....
The first time the cats stepped in snow.
"I'm going to get you bubble." A very intense stare from Tundra.

Look at all that belly. Tundra plays with the fishing rod too...but usually from her back side.

Such a sweet lazy kitty.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I guess I should have kept going with the last post but thought I'd save my Sunday for today....this is all I wrote about my Sunday adventures:

It's Sunday--market day. It is this cobble stone street full of vendors. I've just finished lunch--pizza again and note to self--I don't like anchovies!

And so ended Argentina notes. I had a fabulous time on Sunday walking the MANY, MANY blocks of market and picking up a few treasures along the way including a water colour that I am in love with and will be framing tonight. Monday we had an opportunity to wander around for a bit before boarding the bus that would take us back to the airport. One final trip to the gelato store and it was off to the airport and then finally touching down back in Canada.

Art work on a wall in BA.
 More great art work.
Man who painted the water colour I bought...holding the water colour I bought.
 Lady selling at the market. I like her comfy seat.
Isn't this guy great? He was selling cd's and went around singing to people while playing his guitar.

I bought three of these round flower type things. One large, one medium and one small. I pin them on my sweater. Very cute.
The market...look at all the people in the background.

It was a great trip.

It took me a few tries to get these photos added...two different nights of trying in fact.

And that is the end of Argentina. It was a great trip. I had been planning to head to Sri Lanka in June of 2012. The team from India had asked me to plan another and I was all for it. In the meantime worlds have collided and it looks like the trip is not going to happen. I'm disappointed, but we are still on schedule for 2013. It's likely for the best. I am going to be super busy this spring at work and wouldn't have a lot of time for planning. all happens for a reason.

Long time readers may recall that I am sort of anti-New Years. I find it a night best spent at home in bed. This year was no different, but what I am doing is some mini-challenges. I googled anti new years resolution and found this challenge page. Each day they send you a small challenge to complete. They are super easy and never take more than 5 minutes but they really make you think about what you want in life. I am enjoying it and have added my own personal challenge for this week--to not spend any money for 7 days. I'm on day 4 and doing fine.

Welcome to 2012!