Lovely herd of about 13 or so bison on the side of the road. They were not at all bothered by us stopping or me stalking them on the side of the road as they slowly munched their lunch. You could hear the munching from where we stood and the swish of the grass as they slowly walked.
This one was a bit of a challenge but these two elk and a baby (not in picture) were taken at the end of my zoom lense. Chance sighting.
If you click on the picture and make it bigger you should be able to see the mountain goats that seem to blend in with the rocks.
Summit Lake. Isn't it gorgeous?
Moose...same spot as the year before.
Maybe the grown up moose that was a baby last year????
So busy eating and watching tourists at the Hot Springs--squirrel didn't seem to mind the foot traffic.
Laird Hot Springs....ahhhhh.
Waterfalls on side of road.
Rubbing his back in the dirt.
Pointing it out in Whitehorse.
So....since I last wrote. Spent September long weekend headed up and down the Alaska highway. Next weekend was spent in Banff and Jasper. This weekend also spending the weekend hanging around GP. Maybe some cooking...maybe.
Jennifer: The pictures are beautiful. I loved the animal ones as well as the scenery ones. Sounds like your camping trips were a lot of fun and good one-on-one time with "D".
Thanks for sharing your pictures with us.
Hi Jennifer,
Al always, your photos are stunning. Glad you are having great times lately, keep them coming, and keep all of us updated! Have a good weekend.
Hi Jennifer,
Great pictures as usual. Looks like the can the pretty blue/purple flowers are in was used for target practice!!
It is well past the time you put the pics up and that the weekend you mentioned has gone by, so did you get all your cooking done that you planned? For me that never really happens, I'm a great procrastinator.
So happy for you that D is still in the picture with you, more fun to do things with someone special than alone. Hope you get a few more nice weekends to get some sightseeing in.
Take care ... Lori B.
Hi Jennifer,
Hope all is well with you, just a little worried, since you haven't posted in a while. Please let us know you you're doing when you can.
Hey!!! Those be caribou I am pretty sure of it- not elk!!!
And where are some new blog posts??
Jennifer and Jack:
I keep checking this blog for a new posting and I'd say you are too Jack. So Happy Belated Christmas to both of you Jack and Jennifer and Happy New Year.
Jennifer your facebook entry about the handsome man who moved in with you and the kittens in the last month begs for more info for us.
I'm sure I speak for Jack and Lori as we eagerly await more info.
Hi Edith & Lori! A belated Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to both of you! I, like you, am awaiting more details from Jennifer, so I will keep checking back here for updates, can't wait to read/here all about this new handsome man.
Hi folks,
My turn to wish you all a Happy New Year and hope that Christmas 2013 was great. Edith is right Jennifer, we'd love more information. Jack, at least I can call Edith to see what's on facebook as I don't do the social media stuff.
Hello Everybody.
Just a note to let all of you know that I'll keep checking here for updates from Jennifer, but not for the next 3 weeks, having another back surgery. So, I am looking forward to checking back in a few, and really hoping to see Jennifer's new entries! (I'm like you, Lori, I don't do the facebook, twitter, etc. either.)
Hi All,
Jack, I hope all goes well with your surgery. Back surgery is so tricky!! Take care and will be thinking of you. Let us know how it goes.
Lori B.
Hello to all,
So I still don't see any new updates from Jennifer. I hope she will update us soon!! I survived back surgery, and was in the hospital for 3 days, still at home recovering, and I think this time they solved the problem and the horrible pain for the most part. Hope to go back to work in 8 weeks. I hope all readers and visitors, as well as Jennifer & Dave are well.
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