Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Change of plans on a number of different fronts. The BF is no longer in the picture. Yes, that is disappointing but it is what it is. I feel bad for him. He is going through a lot and I was just one more thing to think about. I'm not the least bit mad--just sad for the moment.

The other change is that I am going to publish the Vietnam trip on the other blog:


In the long run it should be easier for me. Not sure when there will be pics but you know...whatever.
17 days and counting and yes, I'm counting. Even my assistant at work knows how many days until I go so either I am talking about it too much or she is paying attention. Either way I think it is funny.

 Still planning the first week of travel. Went to a travel agent the other day and got a quote on a tour of sorts and it was a LOT of money. I called and asked if she could find a lower price for me since $132 a night in Ho Chi Minh is a lot for a hotel. Most of the other hotels we are staying at charge around $25 a night. I rarely pay that much here. Hoping that she comes back with a less expensive option for that otherwise I may not book anything and just fly by the seat of my pants so to speak.

Hope everyone is well.


Jack said...

Oh Jennifer,

I am so very sorry the relationship did not work out, but I do know you are/will handle it like the trooper that you are!! I am hoping the agency comes back with some other reasonable options for hotels. I have always loved to 'read' how excited you have always gotten before your trips, and I have no doubt that will get you through right now. We are sooo looking forward to your beautiful photos and your posts from Vietnam!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jennifer,

Hard to believe Vietnam is sooo close now!! Too bad about the BF, just glad to hear that you are OK with it. Hope you find something interesting for the first week at a price that's within your budget! I wouldn't be too keen on flying by the seat of pants, I'm too much of a worrier!!

Take care and looking forward to hearing about Vietnam and where your travls will take you before the build ... Lori B.